Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dark Shadows

Another view on the movie Dark Shadows staring Johnny Depp-covered in an article called
"Chills and Thrills" Can be read in the New yorker May 2012

Get another great view on the move at PULSE Horror Movie Blog:

Elizabeth Tyalor

Elisabeth Taylor will forever be an icon and as an expiring woman that has always fought for good causes even though she had battled through so many medical difficulties; always inspiring and such an inspiring story can be read in the Vanity Fair issue June 2011.

Sol lewitt

Artist Sol Lewitt mentioned in Vanity Fair June 2011 in the Spotlight section. As article states best known for mannerism and conceptual art.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Pieces of Heaven

Art gathering and exhibit that involves committed artist to work towards helping children that are fighting medical conditions by auctioning off art...Pieces of Heaven had been mentioned in the 2011 issue of Vanity Fair.

Tim Hetherington

Remembered as a photo journalist that had been killed while on assignment in 2011 while reporting in Libya. Great article in the Vanity Fair 2011 issue.

Tim Hetherington

Monday, July 23, 2012

Slogans become Art

Barbara Kruger-artist with a powerful motivation. Mentioned in the Aug. 2012 Smithsonian. She has some fantastic art and is from the age of past up graphic design, so she with her use of slogans and her background has really given her an edge to make people aware...


As author Temple Grandin puts it in relative terms that we can understand-autism is just another way of thinking. In fact Grandin goes on in the article to describe that autism fall into different categories and each person that has different functions of autism are actually in retrospect can be a valuable resource in society. He says that not all people or think the same and therefore we need those that can conduct work by having a different perspective than the rest of us. Smithsonian Aug. 2012.

Temple Grandin officeal webiste

Downfall of the Middle Class

Great short article in Fortune April 2012 giving some insight into why the Middle Class has fallen due to the economic downturn in our society. Geoff Colvin explains that education is the key factor in returning our society to better times.
Though from my own personal experience that may be harder to expand on being that many graduates cant even find jobs. I myself at the moment am over qualified and under qualified at the same time. Having a disability makes it way hard to find a basic job and having a graphic design degree makes employees like Regal Cinemas look at me and say why on earth would you work here. Your way to qualified to work box office. True Story.
Second my father being a senior citizen has been bounced from so many jobs because of his age. Even though he has a degree in business management, younger employers have turned him down relight on the spot.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekly Advisor

Great Investment advice for commodity investing. Fortune Magazine April 2012. Written by Janice Revell.

Book Reviews

Book Reviews through Fortune Magazine  - Weekly Read

The Aftermath of WAR

The mere thought of the ongoing war over seas makes me cringe every time I see or hear about another bombing. Yet while I have always removed myself in a way from really paying attention, (not that I have never supported the troops or our cause) but I have always felt that my personal opinions have never mattered. However, of late I have become more interested in the politics of war. I have peered deeper into the daily and weekly current events with a sort of curiosity. An arousal that makes me hope that no one died or no bombs had been dropped. One tidbit of info that I had read in an article, that most Iraqis make about two dollars a day. Man I complain that I don't make enough at ten dollars an hour. I thank my luck stars. That's for sure. Read further about this topic in the National Geographic July Issue 211 written by the point of view of one that has ventured into the realms of war-Brian Turner.


For those Egyptian lovers....great article on the Search for Cleopatra. Immortalized as an iconic figure; this Queen of Egypt long lives even centuries later. Yet still archaeologist search for her elusive tomb. Chip Brown covers this fascinating tale in more detail. Natinal Geogrpahic July 2011 Issue.

Feed the Growing Planet

Some ideas of how we can sustain our selves for the coming years.  National Geographic July 2011 issue.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

H.P. Lovecraft

Another tribute to our dear H.P. Lovcraft who wrote about the Cthulhu Mythos and about Necronomicon;  Ensnaring us into fantastic stories that allow us to fall deeper and deeper into his hypnotising realms of dark magic and strange out of this world demons that have been trying to reclaim the earth. Dark Realms Issue 16.

Fiction-Roberto Bolaño

A man named Roberto Bolaño  that is dating several woman becomes entangled in strange circumstances that eventually involves a stalker who is out to murder his two lovely girls that he is dating.  Short story written by William Burns published in The New Yorker  Feb. 8th 2010.

Great American Author

On a personal note I feel sort of bad that I have not read this great American Novel " Catcher in the Rye." The New York Times Feb. 8th 2010 issue goes on to talk in detail about JD Salinger who is the author of this book and many others and passed away in 2010

Taming the Wild

Lets tame the wild. How do we do that I ask? Well Evan Ratliff shall explain how its done in the March 2011 Natural Geographic Magazine. In retrospect its not a basic concept, but it comes down to altering genes through domestication. A group have spend many years breeding foxes to act like domesticated house dogs.

More about the domestication of animals can be found in Guns, Germs, and Steel. A documentary brought to you by NG.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The End a Crime Era

The End of the Mob. That's the article title in the Playboy 2005 issue written by Jimmy Breslin. The makeup of the mob has always fascinated me. I think I have just about seen every crime movie ever produced such as my two favorites Casino and Goodfellows-but then the realization hits you like a bullet to the back of the head. This stuff that you read in articles such as this is actually real. The engaging article reminisces about the end of the mob era. While police task forces survey the crime bosses, associates, and family members blood and mayhem runs in the streets.

Erotic Flashbacks

Photographer Michael Berkowitz conducts a series of stunning photo shoots and compile his work in a book called "Erotic Flashbacks"  Mentioned in Playboy 2005.

 Erotic Flashbacks

Monday, July 2, 2012

Its Alive!

Its only a matter of time that we will be able to replace not only organs such as the Liver, but other body parts. My hope is to be able to replace this titanium implant that had replaced my femure years ago. It would be interesting to re-grow a new femure. A short mention about how this is being perfected can be read in the Natural Geographic March 2011. talks about how we are starting to use our own cells to grow Livers and other organs-called "bioartificial"


Article in City Arts January 2012 highlighitng one womans tribute and passion to capture the modern Native American and how they are still facing hard times. Matika Wilbur has photographed and even held an exhibition of her work at the Tocoma Art Museum.

Ralph McQuarrie

Another great man that had contributed to many projects including the concept art for the early Star Wars movies and other great classic films had passed away this year. 1929-2012.  Mentioned in Newsweek.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stop the Presses

Hold the Elevator. Stop the presses. Rewrite page 5. Well if you wanted an encore you've got it. Newsweek this year takes you way back to the era of the 60s by publishing a special issues. A jam packet issue surrounding the Mad Men Television drama as many of the articles and information have been resurrected from Newsweek's "vault" as they call it. Not only is it fantastic go further behind the Mad Men story and whats to come in the proceeding seasons, but its literally a trip to read the articles that had been covered by the journalists working for the magazine so many years ago.

A Mad World

Score one for the ad man. Indeed, it has become a world (at least in the 60s) run by vicious "Mad Men" wanting nothing more than to coverse you into buying brand named products through collateral campaigns. Thus, these ad men beaming with nostalgia-alochole soaked brains put on quite the dramatic demonstrations of power in the hit television series.
Entertaient Weekly March 2012 issue ran an article on the his series of Mad Men which of course is hosted by A.M.C. Though by now we know what has become of Donald Draper as season 5 lights up like a Lucky Strike. Please get a copy of this magazine. Its still so exiting at least to me to go back and read these articles. Article by Dan Snierson as photos taken by Michael Muller.

Edgar Allen Poe Rises from the Grave

Missed out on ever meeting Edgar Allen Poe? Well I think everyone is in the same boat. Yet a man going by the name of David Keltz has immersed himself in Poe's works that he now recites the great poems (much like reciting Shakespeare) and stories, while he tours across the nation.

David Keltz

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Todd Lockwood

Exceptional fantasy artwork done by artist Todd Lockwood who has done art work for many companies such as D&D.

Todd Lockwood

Shiver my Timbers

Just a word of warning. If my words start to slur, it must be noted that Ive been drinking rum and dodging the rough-high seas all day in a frantic effort to find my buried treasures. While in the meantime I have been reading this article and many more articles in Dark Realms Magazine Issue 12. This issue defiantly was so jam packet that the topics got my blooding boiling or in fact sent icy chills down my spine...but whatever the case maybe, if you want to discover  more about pirates and bounty you must read the article "Pirates, Tear on the High Seas" written by Vincent Kastle. Likewise, I must adhere to the Code of conduct established between myself and my scurvy mates as we plunder the world. So I can't divulged any more information that much is certain.
Other than the mayhem that my men and I have been causing, please read further... as I mention a few other interesting articles in other posts related to Issue 12...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Fine Hotel

As Barny from "How I meet your Mother" would say... "Suite Up." Well if you want the comfort of  wearing a Armani suite... then why not get a good nights rest at one of the new Armani Hotels in Milan, Marrakesh, and Marassi Egypt. 

Maserati Gran Turismo MC stradale

Get that racing-high speed pacing feeling from the new or nearly new Maserati Gran Turismo MC stradale. You will arrive to your destination in no time, but with this car you shall arrive in style. Elegant. Classy. Sexy....and much more... Read more about this road racing street legal car and whats hiding under the hood; in IL Tridente magazine 2010/11

Rain, Rain Go Away

An article in City Arts Dec. 2011 Adriana Grant writes about a designer that has made some unique raincoat designs, which not only keeps you dry, but lets you arrive in style.
 Though I do enjoy the rain myself, just not getting caught in a drown pour, defiantly is not my idea of a fun time. In essence I am always trying to look my best to fit into the business world of things and the fact I don't carry an umbrella too often leaves me in a bad predicament.
 These rain coats are a fantastic alternative to staying dry so that when you arrive to work or your meeting you won't have to ask for a towel. So like most artists that have come up with an idea she spend much of her off work time to design her clothing line. She has expanded into many other areas such as hats and ponchos.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Its Magic

Article in Blooomberg April 2012 mentioning a new camera by Lytro. Captures multiple shots through one lens which is fantastic. More information in the article and the website.


Friday, June 1, 2012


A Company "Our Town America" is really doing a great thing. The company provides welcome packages to those that are relocating to differnt states. The company was mentioned in an article in the Nov. 2011 copy of INC. Magazine. Please check it out.

Get Your Film Crew On!

So the big thing that has been going on for the last few years or longer as it seems has been reality TV. Which of course is really nothing new. Though Jason Fried wrote an article in the Nov 2011 issue of INC. Magaine, that describes how some companies are bringing small film crews into the office to capture the daily activities.
 I myself was not so sure that I would want to be on camera while I was working, but some of the office stories that I have heard about through the grape vine, makes me wish that a film crew was taking part. I recall a story where some co-worker sort of went postal and while he was on his rampage in the office the two ladies working the front area scrambled to lock themselves in the bathroom. Its sad, but true when I say that would make the headlines.

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Unique Getaway

Looking for a new thrill? Ever wonder what it would be like to stay over at someones house while on vacation. Then Airbnb has your solution. Check them out online- Airbnb
Mentioned in Forbes Magazine...

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Inkling

Need a way to digitize your doodles without having to find a scanner? Well the Inkling is defiantly what you are looking for. This tool is fantastic! I had a chance to see how this nifty device worked and I've got to say that I was very impressed. Check out the short clip on the website and get one. It will make life a lot mor easier.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Men in Black

Just as much as I would be afraid to dive into the dark arts (no Harry Potter jokes please) Just mentioning the Men in Black gives me a strange feeling in my gut. A strange unsettling feeling that makes  me feel that if I mention them they will all of a sudden appear from around the corner or be seen outside my window. Though I'm sure that as long as I don't talk about UFOs or do any research, then I should be fine. Shoot did I just mention something about flying saucers. Well now I'm in trouble. I bet as soon as I typed in the word UFO it was snagged by some government data base and now they are tracking me online. But if you want to read more please tune into Dark Realms magazine Issue 11

Voices from Beyond

For some strange reason I have discovered that I have a Ouija board. Don't ask why. you want it you can have it. The question still remains whether or not I want to cross that barrier and dive into the supernatural realm? Contacting the dead. Contacting ghosts. Channeling voices through different devices and mediums. Seems spooky to me. But if  you want to read up on it please see the article in Dark Realms Magazine Issue 11.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sinched Corsets

looking for some beautiful handmade corsets....check out the article in Gothic Beauty magazine issue 30th, written by Jessica Seitz.


One man gets his muse from wine. Artist Ian Boyden featured in an article in Walla Walla Lifestyles magazine Nov. 10th 2010, uses his past as a portal to find insperation for his work.

Walla Walla Lifestyles Magazine

Ian Boyden

Monday, April 23, 2012

Cigar Aficionado

Great article "Back on Track" written by Gordon Mott in 2004, covering Alec Baldwin's early career. Its a must read....Cigar Aficionado-back issue

Also I always like to promote other worthy organizations. Mr. Baldwin's mother who had gone through Breast Cancer had started a foundation. Though from the looks of it the website might currently be down....Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund or FB

Grand Havana Room

Sound of Operatic

If you have not gotten a chance to listen to the music created by Emilie Autumn. Do. Very operatic/industrial. Also Great interview conducted by Jessika Hulse in Gothic Beauty Issue 30. Not sure who to credit for her photography, but its really stunning.

Emilie Autumn

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tim Burton

Kambriel from Dark Realms magazine issue 30, writes and covers Tim Burton Retrospective Exhibit in 2009. The exhibit held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art which reveals a vast majority of Mr. Burtons creature and prop creations from all his feature films and other works.

A new movie by Mr. Burton Dark Shadows comes out this year and I am looking forward. Can't Waite!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Haunted Havens and more...

Dark Realms Magazine Issue 31 has a great article about haunted places around the world that now can be toured. But only if you dear. A few of the places mentioned by Russell Williams that peeked my interest and wold most defiantly give me the chills are the Bone Church, Highgate Cemetery, and the Winchester House.

Though I have not been able to travel to these haunted destinations mentioned in the article, indeed I have found a local haven for spirits right here in Portland Oregon. Christ Church in Lake Oswego by my accounts first hand and numerous other accounts is in my regards a hot spot. Though because of the nature of being a holy place most dear not talk about the comings and goings of strange phantoms stalking the corridors late at night and the hushed whispers trialing through the cold air. Footsteps pounding on the ground, and other things that have haunted my inner dreams still lurking years later. I say this because I was the caretaker at this church for about three maybe four years. Living right on the premises. I watched over this haunted church. For a while I kept what I had seen and heard by myself until one day I mentioned what I was experiencing to a friend who happened to be the night janitor. He scoffed at me and at that moments I thought I had lost him as a friend. But weeks later while he was at the church by his accounts he  began to hear faint whispers coming from the Nave. He tried to shrug them off but he could not. Now here is a man that sweats football and basketball all year round and never believed in ghosts or anything in that nature until that faithful night. The next day he had told me the story and at one point the night before he had actually ran through the church and left as quickly as he could becuase the voices had gotten to him.

Emma Watson

When I picked up the first Harry Potter book, which must have been in high school, I didn't know what to think. I think I had only gotten to the part where young Harry was living under the stairs and finally I decided to take the book back. I think I was a bit confused about what was really going on and no offense to J.K. Rolling. Years latter I am now a Harry Potter fan. Though I have not read any of the books I have seen all the movies. Countless times I might add.

In the July issue of Vogue 2011 Emma Watson tells Amanda Foreman about life after Harry Potter. The trials of escaping the world that she grew up in and how she has gotten through them.

Natalie Portman

Actress Natalie Portman performed exceptional in the movie Black Swan as her performance was so edgy and twisted that I was actually on the edge of my seat the entire time. In the Vogue January 2011 issue Written by Joan Juliet covers Portman's role in the movie and highlights some of her other great contributions and qualities outside of acting.  Photographs taken by Peter Lindbergh are also an added bonus to this article.

I've always enjoyed watching Natalie Portman on screen. Garden State and now Black Swan are among my top two favorites.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Showcase of Collections

I have to admit that I have a collective impulse. I just find so many odds and ends that I come across so fascinating.  Though my collections at the moment are scattered about and not really organized I have some things that are not worth anything at all (money wise) and items like my Mickey Mantle Baseball. But whatever I come across I set aside to gaze upon on a rainy day and to otherwise admire.

Thus being said I came across and article in Portland Spaces January 2008 issue about a woman who like myself is a collector. But by the looks of it Martha Cansler has managed to turn her array of collectibles into an artful showcase. Please see her web page and if you can track down the article in the Portland Spaces magazine it will give you more information.

M World

(Official Response)

Me: "What was the first thing that you ever collected or if you cant recall what was the first category that you started?"

M: "I sort of think the first thing I collected is frogs. I think that's a pretty common kid thing. I haven't collected any more frogs than the few I keep around as childhood memory boosters."

Me: "Though you have not been an animator for sometime, do you have any advice for those that are animation business?"

M:"I have no idea what you do. 20 years ago you sent around a demo reel (on video) and then called people and tried to go sell yourself. Today? …beats me. My husband still works in imagery sorts of stuff but it's all interactive technology (he's a software engineer). The people who design the things he works on seem to have also have something like a masters degree in interactive technology.
jeez…it used to be enough to be creative...."
M:"I really don't like what "animation" is anymore. It's all the 3d crap that looks like nothing but a major headache for a lot of well meaning students. It looks soul-less and utterly uncreative. I like things with some personal attachment to the artist, not some precious fairy tale with big eyed cute things that could only have been produced by an army of overworked automatons. I can appreciate stuff like Tim Burton's Alice in wonderland or the Harry Potter stuff but it sure makes me shake my head; those poor sods having to work thousands of hours on some trivial bit: "Hey, Mom Look! I did those 3 frames where Harry's broom flew over that tree!!"
M: "If you want to know the greatest, most original and brilliant animator/ARTIST look at Jim Blashfield."

Rejuvenate your Space

I like the modern streamlined look, but nothing beats the feelings and emotions antique furniture and decor can bring. No I'm not talking about some knock off from a big box store that may appear to be antique. I'm talking about the goods that can be found at Rejuvenations. I have been fortunate to have been able to acquire my grandparents 50-60s club chairs and some antique furniture also. I'll never trade the now retro fruniture I have. Not for anything in the world. But I'll tell you that the collection from AM_Living and Rejuvenations is a match made in heaven.

A Great Collection

Now I'm not into sailing or flying, but I can't get enough of the furniture and decor from AM-Living. I always made sure that if I was walking through downtown Portland that I would stroll by the store and gaze into the windows and when I had the time step into the store to browse through the aswome inventory. Though it seems that the store has closed in the downtown area. I was sad to see that it was empty and well I guess I'll just have to browse online.

Once Upon a Time....Oh My!

I think I stopped dead in my tracks when I came across a photograph of Jennifer Morrison in the August 2011 issue of Vanity Fair. And no it was not because of the cleavage. Her eyes are just hypnotising. After flatlining for a few moments, and then gathering my thoughts I decided that I would make mention of this blurb. First the photograph was taken by Ben Hassett. Its such an alluring photograph that speaks volumes. I have seen Jennifer in the TV hit series House and most recently in Once Upon a Time. Don't miss it! Every Sunday on ABC.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Escape from the World

OK I'll admit that I have watched Under the Tuscan Sun a 2003 movie produced by Audrey Wells, which is why I have been interested in traveling to Tuscany. So I read an article in Vogue January 2011 about a spa/resort in Tuscany. The spas location is at a castle and seems like the perfect escape from the world. Also I really enjoyed the photography taken by Mario Testtno. Model Lara Stone is stunning and my favorite of the photo shoot is of her posing covered in dry clay and loosly covered with drapery.

The Castello di Vicarello

Saturday, April 14, 2012

No More Golden Age

Interesting article in Wired Magazine talking about films between 05/06...about spacial effects within the movie business and the ever growing changes that special effects are bringing. Off hand I remember watching the making of Willow and how morphing popped up as a new special effect, which of course is now industry standard. It seems that if movies today do not have some sort of morphing effect, whether it be a human changing into a beast or a boat changing into a car, that it won't draw anyone at all. But I could be wrong. What do I know? So back to the article. Another interesting factoid was how with the use of saved footage from a library that any background can be changed. No Im not talking about blue or green screens. For example in Jarhead, after filming the editors went back  and added burring oil fields that where on fire into the background. So I wonder if what we see on TV in regards to local and even foreign broadcasts is real or if someone as grabbed footage from a library and altered the live footage? Like I said I enjoy spacial effects myself, but up to a certain point. If the movies duologue or the acting in the movie dose not hook me I tend to get lost.

Voltaire is Still Alive...

I came across an interesting article in Gothic Beauty Magazine about an artist/musician going by the name of Voltaire. I took a look at his work and I have to say I am very impressed. I have enjoyed watching his short stop motions reels and really like his illustrative work in Chi-Chian. He defiantly has his own unique style and though I just started exploring his work I will contintue to follow.

Also through one of his interviews/ photo shoots I discovered "Oddities" a show on the Discovery Channels...very cool and I suggest you take a look at the past episodes.

(Official Response)

I asked Voltair a question that I hoped he would answer with some insight and well I was take a little back from his answer.

Me: "Growing up how did your parents react to your lifestyle of being gothic..and how did you overcome that obstacle if it was an issue? Im now 31 and just getting into steampunk, but early on I was made to dress in polo shirts and act like a prep, which is not a bad thing, but now I'm trying to discover who I really am."

Votaire: "Yes, my parents were NOT pleased by my increasing desire to be "New Wave"
or "Gothic". How did I solve this problem? Simple. I ran away from home
when I was 17. I haven't tolerated anyone telling me how to dress or
behave since. That was almost 30 years ago. I still dress funny. ; )"


Spooky Places

Alissa Hall  covers the Catacombs in Dark Realms Magazine Issue21. Article talks about how and who was involved in the design and construction of the Catacombs. I currently reside in Portland and the closes I can get to seeing anything like the least right now is the Shanghai Tunnels. In fact one of my favorite TV shows came to PDX Last December 2011. Ghost Adventures covered the Shanghai Tunnels. Actually my girlfriend swears she saw one of the crew members down in the Pearl District. I have not had a chance to tour the Shanghai Tunnels, but I plan on doing so. Also Kells Irish Pub is a great place to eat before or after you take a tour.

You Tube
Dark Realms Magazine

The Hostess will Serve You Now

Article in Dark Realms Magazine Issue 21 talks about horror movie hosts..while I would be interested in watching the hosts mentioned in the article the only horror movie host that I have been interested in has been Elvira. Elvira Mistress of the Dark. I started out watching her on TV and then discovered that she had made two movies. I suggest you pick of copies or watch them through Netflix (if offered). I currently have her as my desktop background! In fact I just might watch one of them tonight..then post them as a Tribute on a horror movie blog I'm involved in.

Elvira Official Website:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cool Designs

Interesting article in Wired Magazine March 2006 related to promotional advertising in part through the process of generating art with the use of software. Such software created by Joshua Davis will automate designs into various duplicated drawings. Sort of like silk screen only digital.

Another deal mentioned in the article is at least when the article was published that Mr. Davis had a really cool studio right in this own backyard. Though in a way I have the same set up and its great to get up in the morning with a cup of coffee and start working, but I wish my studio could be updated like Mr. Davis has. First I'm sharing the space with my parents and so its used as storage facility and if you have a phobia of spiders beware. Because this barn if you call it seems to be the birth place of all things creepy and crawly.

Its also strange how time goes the article they make mention of Thomas Kinkade. Sadly he just passed away . (January 19, 1958 – April 6, 2012)

Anyway please check out his work...Joshua Davis

Not Your Typical Wagon Train

Mention in Wired Magazine March 2006. Looking for personal space... while you are traveling on the open road? Look no further. Andrea Zittel has your solution. Her Wagon Trains have also been featured at the Whitney Museum of Contemporary art.

Also check out A-Z West

William Shatner

A small blurb in Wired Magazine 2006 about a movie club...operated by William Shatner or maybe his alter ego Captain Kirk. But who's to say?  By joining his movie club Mr. Shanter will mail out his own selection of movies each month. I tried going to the website and it looks like its down. It might be that he is no longer offering his DVD Club. Mr. Shatner is a busy man. Great idea though. I have tried DVD clubs in the past and always got my pocket book gouged, but I would trust Mr. Shatner not to operate like a large DVD mail order corporation.

News from Movie Online

The Splendor!

Mention about Harvy Parker in Wired Magazine April 2006. Writer of American Splendor and Ego and Hubris. Also made a moive in  2003 about Mr. Parkers life. Played by Paul Giamatti. Great movie by the way. Worth watching. And worth buying a few copies of American Spendor.


American Splendor

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Two things go well together. Steampunk and airships. Though this article dose not mention steampunk I have always found these two subjects rather fascinating. So I came across a little blurb in Wired Magazine April 2006 featuring a real airship that was just in development. The airship named Dynalifter was designed by Robert L. Rist.  At the time Mr. Rist had poured about five hundred thousand dollars into the prototype. 

Some updates: 
In addition I came across another blog which explained that the prototype had been damaged but they where still trying to continue on with the project. Looks like this blog post was posted in 2009

Lets hope things will turn around.

Airship World
Ohio Airships Inc.

Dealer and Collector of fine art

Nice interview conducted by Steven M.L. Anderson with dealer/collector Eugene V. Thaw in Architectural Digest January 2008. This interview talks about Mr. Thaws dealing with various artists and patrons over the course of his life.  How he mainly dealt with Rothko and Pollock paintings...which he helped auction off through Sotheby's.

Personally from my point of view, its always interesting how and when money comes into play. Most artist back then and even today will never be able to sell their paintings for a good value. Only it seems after artists die that the paintings all of a sudden become important and collector worthy.  I wish that could change.


AD: Art Notebook

Monday, April 9, 2012


Fashion clothing created by Kathleen Marie. " A bit like Marie Antoinette meets Madonna, with a touch of Marilyn Manson..(my work).. reflects my Glitter and Doom personality…” Her work is fascinating and is worth take a peek at. Mentioned in Gothic Beauty Issue 34

Kathleen Marie Couture


In the course of my studies through collage we had to study the history of graphic design, and one of the topics that we covered were Manuscripts. Like the Gutenberg Bible for example. We also studied block printing and etching which was on of the steps towards printing the Manuscripst into books. In Dark Realms Issue 21 I read a short passage explaining different types of manuscript that have been discovered through the course of history. Highlighted in the article was the The Book of the Dead, Dead Sea Scrolls, and voynich manuscripts. All very fascinating. Although as stated in the article much of these books are still topic of debate about how they had been used or why the books had even been created in the first place. Though some believe that one of the manuscripts called the Necronomicon manuscripts is real. however, these writing in the Necronomicon where written by H.P Lovecraft who is one of my favorite writers. Perhaps I'll create my own Manuscript that one day will be discovered and questioned about its reason of existing? Till then check out the article written by Joseph Lorillo entitled "Mystical Manuscript" in Dark Realms.

Creepy Dolls

In the Dark Realms Magazine issue 21, I read a creepy short story by Joseph Vargo, about a mass murdering doll that comes after a frightened child. I'll tell you that two things that creep me out are dolls and clowns.On a personal level when I was younger and visited my grandparents several times a month if not more I would stay in one of the guest rooms. On top of the bookshelves where a wide range of dolls. I'll tell you one thing is for sure. I kept the light on. Still I can recall the glass eyes staring down at me. Thinking about it gives me the chills. This story has a great twist and is a worthwhile read. Looks like he has a book out...The Legend of Darklore Manor and Other Tales of Terror

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Looking for stock photography? Fotofest is your source for entertainment photography.

Archiving Art

Make note about Archives of American Art mentioned in Town and Country March 2010 Culture and Arts section. This organization has collected over a million items once owned, produced, and left behind by influential and famous artists. Such important items have been placed in an outstanding archive which will allow future patrons to see how these artist once lived. In addition with the help of Terra Foundation we can now view much of what has been archived online.

Photography Competition

Noted advertisement in Town and Country March 2010 about a photography contest through the Hearst Corporation, which holds a photography Competition every year. Maybe I'll enter sometime. hearst8x10

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I discovered German photographer Helmut Newton in an August 2011 Vanity Fair. His work is fantastic and now he also has a photo book out called "Helmut Newton: Polaroids" I myself enjoy looking through Polaroid photos and how the photos always seem to be alive.  Helmut Newton Polaroids. Its a shame that he died so suddenly in 2004. Helmut Newton Foundation