Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Aftermath of WAR

The mere thought of the ongoing war over seas makes me cringe every time I see or hear about another bombing. Yet while I have always removed myself in a way from really paying attention, (not that I have never supported the troops or our cause) but I have always felt that my personal opinions have never mattered. However, of late I have become more interested in the politics of war. I have peered deeper into the daily and weekly current events with a sort of curiosity. An arousal that makes me hope that no one died or no bombs had been dropped. One tidbit of info that I had read in an article, that most Iraqis make about two dollars a day. Man I complain that I don't make enough at ten dollars an hour. I thank my luck stars. That's for sure. Read further about this topic in the National Geographic July Issue 211 written by the point of view of one that has ventured into the realms of war-Brian Turner.

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